1. Sergio Lerma Lara; Beatriz González Parada; Cristina Escolar Martínez; María Gómez Jiménez; Cristina García Casado; Buenaventura Barba San Román. 2020. Alteraciones del equilibrio y efectos del entrenamiento de la fuerza en el equilibrio del adulto mayor Journal of MOVE and Therapeutic Science.
2. Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of cervical active range of movement in young asymptomatic adults using inertial sensors Expert Rev Med Devices . 2019.
3. Moreno Juan C; Durandau, Guillaume; Farina, Dario; Asín-Prieto, Guillermo; Dimbwadyo-Terrer, Iris; Lerma Lara, Sergio; Pons, Jose L; Sartori, Massimo. 2019. Voluntary control of wearable robotic exoskeletons by patients with paresis via neuromechanical modeling.Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation.
4. H, Beltrán Alacreu; G, Navarro-Fernández; J, San Juan-Burgueño; JA, González Sánchez; Lerma Lara, S; O, Rodríguez-López; D, Muñoz-García. 2019. Fiabilidad intra e interevaluador de un sensor inercial para el rango de movimiento de la rodilla en sujetos asintomáticos Fisioterapia.
5. Aycardi,l Luis Felipe; Cifuentes, Carlos A; Munera, Marcela; Bayón C; Ramírez O; Lerma Lara, S; Frizera, Anselmo; Rocon E. 2019. Evaluation of biomechanical gait parameters of patients with Cerebral Palsy at three different levels of gait assistance using the CPWalker Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation.
6. Fady Alnajjar; Aikaterini D Koutsou; Sergio Lerma Lara; Beatriz Moral; Riadh Zaier; Juan C Moreno. 2019. Analysis of muscle activation patterns during walking in patients with foot drop: insights for the design of an advanced FES controller 2019 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences. IEEE.
7. Phillips, D; Tomazos, I. C.; Moseley, S.; L’Italien, G.; Gomes Da Silva, H; Lerma Lara S. 2018. Reliability and Validity of the 6?Minute Walk Test in Hypophosphatasia.JBMR Plus. Willey Online Librery.
8. Bayón C; Martín Lorenzo, T; Moral-Saiz, B; Ramírez O; Pérez-Somarriba, A; Lerma Lara, S; Martínez Caballero, I; Rocon E. 2018. A robot-based gait training therapy for pediatric population with cerebral palsy: Goal setting, proposal and preliminary clinical implementation.Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 15-1.
9. Martin Lorenzo, T; Rocon E; Martínez Caballero, I; Lerma Lara, S. 2018. Medial gastrocnemius structure and gait kinetics in spastic cerebral palsy and typically developing children: A cross-sectional study.Medicine. 97-21.
10. Vicente S; Lerma Lara S; de Benito L; Gutierrez M; Alfayete J; Fontcuberta J. 2018. Caracterización cinemática, electromiográfica y mediante ecodoppler del retorno venoso durante la marcha humana normal.Angiología. Elsevier.
11. Biobehavioural analysis of the vestibular system and posture control in patients with cervicogenic dizziness. A cross-sectional study,Análisis bioconductual del sistema vestibular y el control postural en pacientes con mareo cervicogénico. Estudio observacional transversal Neurología. Science Direct. volumen 33.
12. T. de Rojas; S. Martínez-Álvarez; S. Lerma-Lara; L. Madero; M. Ramírez. 2018. Outcome of childhood leukaemia survivors and necrosis of the femoral head treated with autologous mesenchymal stem cells Clinical and Translational Oncology.
13. Dawn Phillips; Ioannis C. Tomazos; Scott Moseley; Gil L’Italien; Hugo Gomes Da Silva; Sergio Lerma Lara. 2018. Reliability and Validity of the 6-Minute Walk Test in Hypophosphatasia JBMR Plus.
14. Martín-Lorenzo T; Rocon E; Martínez Caballero I; Ramírez Barragán A; Lerma Lara S. 2017. Prolonged stretching of the ankle plantarflexors elicits muscle-tendon adaptations relevant to ankle gait kinetics in children with spastic cerebral palsy.Med Hypotheses.Med Hypotheses.. Nov-109, pp.65-69.
15. MD del Castillo; JI Serrano; Lerma Lara S; Martínez Caballero I; E Rocon. 2017. Evaluación Neurofisiológica del Entrenamiento de la Imaginación Motora con Realidad Virtual en Pacientes Pediátricos con Parálisis Cerebral Revista iberoamericana de automa?tica e informa?tica industrial (RIAI).
16. Romero-Moraleda B; La Touche R; Lerma-Lara S; Ferrer-Peña R; Paredes V; Peinado AB; Muñoz-García D. 2017. Neurodynamic mobilization and foam rolling improved delayed-onset muscle soreness in a healthy adult population: a randomized controlled clinical trial.Peer J. Peer J. 13-5, pp.e3908-e3908.
17. 2017. A predictive simulation approach suitable for gait control strategies design to be used on lower limbs assistive devices Gait & Posture.
18. 2017. Development and evaluation of a novel robotic platform for gait rehabilitation in patients with Cerebral Palsy: CPWalker Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Science Direct. Volume 91,. 3
19. Bayon, C; Ramírez, O; Serrano, JI; et al; Rocon, E. 2017. Development and evaluation of a novel robotic platform for gait rehabilitation in patients with Cerebral Palsy: CPWalker.Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 91, pp.101-104. 20 Artículo científico. 2017. European consensus on the concepts and measurement of the pathophysiological neuromuscular responses to passive muscle stretch European Journal of Neurology.
20. Alonso-Perez, JL; López-López, A; Latouche, R; et al; Fernández-Carnero, J. 2017. Hypoalgesic effects of three different manual therapy techniques on cervical spine and psychological interaction: A randomized clinical trial J BodyWork Mov Therapies.
21. 2017. Relationship of medial gastrocnemius relative fascicle excursion and ankle joint power and work performance during gait in typically developing children: A cross-sectional study Medicine.
22. 2016. Therapeutic patient education and exercise therapy in patients with cervicogenic dizziness: a prospective case series clinical study.J Exerc Rehabil.
23. Grande-Alonso, M; Moral Saiz, B; Mínguez Zuazo, A; Lerma Lara, S; Latouche, R. 2016. Análisis bioconductual del sistema vestibular y el control postural en pacientes con mareo cervicogénico. Estudio observacional transversal Neurología. pp.30098-30106.
24. Lerma Lara, S; Martínez Caballero, I; Bayon, C; et al; Rocon, E. 2016. Can robotic-based top-down rehabilitation therapies improve motor control in children with cerebral palsy? A perspective on the CPWalker project Biomed Res Clin Pract. 1, pp.22-26.
25. Lerma Lara, S; Martínez Caballero, I. 2016. Efectos a medio y largo plazo sobre la marcha de un programa de ejercicio domiciliario y ortesis de uso nocturno en niños con equinismo idiopático Fisioterapia. 38, pp.243-250.
26. Bayon, C; Lerma Lara, S; Ramírez, O; et al; Rocon, E. 2016. Locomotor training through a novel robotic platform for gait rehabilitation in pediatric population: short report J Neuroeng Rehabil.14-13, pp.98-102.
27. 2016. Medium and long-term effects on gait cycle of home-based exercise program and use of a night splint in children with idiopathic toe walking,Efectos a medio y largo plazo sobre la marcha de un programa de ejercicio domiciliario y ortesis de uso nocturno en niños con equinismo idiopático Fisioterapia.
28. Cardona- García, C; Alcocer-Gamboa, A; Pérez Riuz, M; et al; Lerma Lara, s. 2016. Metabolic, cardiorespiratory, and neuromuscular fitness performance in children with cerebral palsy: A comparison with healthy youth J Exerc Rehabil. 12, pp.124-131.
29. Phillips,D; Case, LE; Griffin, D; et al; Kishnani, PS. 2016. Physical therapy Management of Infants and Children with hypophosphatasia Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 119, pp.14-29.
30. Mínguez Zuazo, A; Grande-Alonso, M; Moral Saiz, B; Latrouche, R; Lerma Lara, S. 2016. Therapeutic patient education and exercise therapy in patients with cervicogenic dizziness: a prospective case series clinical study J Exerc Rehabil. 12, pp.216-225.
31. Campa Moran, I; Rey Guidin, E; Fenrández Carnero, J; et al; Latouche, R. 2015. Comparison of Dry Needling versus Orthopedic Manual Therapy in Patients with Myofascial Chronic Neck Pain: A Single-Blind, Randomized Pilot Study . Pain Res Treat. 15.
32. Lerma Lara, S; Moral Saiz, B. 2015. Creencias y actitudes de miedo-evitación relacionadas con el concepto de dolor lumbar crónico en estudiantes de fisioterapia . Fisio Fibulg. 3, pp.5-14.
33. Perez Fenández, M; Lerma Lara, s; Ferrer Peña, R; Gil-Martínez A; López-de-Uralde-Villanueva I; Paris-Alemany, A; Beltrán-Alacreu H; Latouche, R. 2015. Fear and difficulty perceived when visualizing therapeutic exercise in patients with chronic low back pain: A cross-sectional study J Exerc Rehabil. 31, pp.345-355.
34. 2015. Mobilization versus manipulations versus sustain apophyseal natural glide techniques and interaction with psychological factors for patients with chronic neck pain: Randomized controlled trial Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 4
35. Casanova García, C; Lerma Lara, S; Pérez Ruiz, M; Ruano Domínguez, D; Santana Sosa, E. 2015. Non-pharmacological treatment for neuropathic pain in children with cancer . Med Hypotheses. 85, pp.791-807.
36. Martín Lorenzo, T; Lerma Lara, S; Martínez Caballero, I; Rocon, E. 2015. Relative Fascicle Excursion Effects on Dynamic Strength Generation During Gait in Children with Cerebral Palsy.Med Hypotheses. 85, pp.385-390.
37. 2014. TMJ muscle fatigue assessment in healthy subjects after gum chewing Gait & Posture.
38. Martínez Caballero, I; Lerma Lara, S; Ferullo, M; Ramírez Barragán, A; Castillo Sanz, A. 2013. Cirugía Multinivel para las Alteraciones de la Deambulación en Parálisis Cerebral Infantil. Evaluación Cuantitativa, Funcional y de Satisfacción de los Resultados Obtenidos.Trauma Fund MAPFRE. 24, pp.224-229.
39. Izquierdo Pérez, H; Alonso Perez, JL; Gil Martínez, A; et al; Fernández-Carnero, J. 2013. Is one better than another? : a randomized clinical trial of manual therapy for patients with chronic neck pain.Manual Therapy. 19, pp.215-221.
40. Sergio Lerma Lara; Ignacio Martínez Caballero; Andrés Castillo Sáiz. 2009. Kinematic comparative study for spastic equinus conservative treatment. A new option to consider Gait & Posture. Elsevier. 30 S2, pp.s5-s6.
Capítulo de libro.
1. Martínez Caballeroi. I; Lerma Lara, S; Linares Lopez, MA. 2012. An Overview of the Disease and its Management Converging Clinical and Engeneering Research on Neurorehabilitation. Part II. Springer. II, pp.1117-1121.
2. Lerma Lara, S; Ramírez Barragán, A; Vara Arias, MT; Perez-Somarriba Moreno, A; Márquez Sánchez, E. 2012. Gait Analysis Workshop Converging Clinical and Engeneering Research on Neurorehabilitation. Part II. Springer. II, pp.1111-1115.
3. Lerma Lara, S; Martínez Caballeroi. I; Ramírez Barragán, A. 2012. Quantitative Motion Analysis in Cerebral Palsy Converging Clinical and Engeneering Research on Neurorehabilitation. Part II. Springer. II, pp.1105-1109.
4. 2017. Wearable Robotic Walker for Gait Rehabilitation and Assistance in Patients with Cerebral Palsy Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II. vol. 15, pp.1451-1455.
5. Bayon,C; Raya, R; Lerma Lara, S; Ramírez, O; Serrano, JO; Rocon, E. 2016. Robotic Therapies for Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review Translational Biomedicine. 7, pp.44-57. C.2.
Proyectos financiados.
1. Tratamiento no farmacológico del dolor neuropático inducido por vincristina en niños con leucemia Fundación Mutua Madrileña Aseguradora. (Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús). 2014-2016.
2. Plataforma Robótica para la Rehabilitación y el Entrenamiento de la Marcha en PCI. CP-Walker. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Eduardo Rocon de Lima. (Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús). 2013-2016.
3. Aplicación Clínica del Análisis Tridimensional del Movimiento en Osteogénesis Imperfecta Fundación Juan José Márquez. Sergio Lerma Lara. (Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús). 2011-2013.
4. Uso de nuevas tecnologías en el manejo de los trastornos del control motor cervical en niños con PC. Ramon Momlinas Foundation. 10/09/2018-10/09/2019.
5. Alteraciones de la marcha en niños con síndrome de Stickler Asociación Española de Síndorme de Stickler. 10/10/2017-10/10/2018.
6. ENLAZA: Mejora del movimiento de la cabeza y el tronco en niños con parálisis cerebral mediante el uso de videojuegos Ramon Molinas Foundation. Sergio Lerma Lara. 2016- 01/01/2017.
7. POWERUP. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Rafael Raya López. (2019-2021).